Every start is a new experience and every new start is challenging. God has made life a new challenge for all of us. We start a new day not knowing what the day will bring, but hoping and praying for the best.
It is our great joy to be able to extend our services, in the spirit of our founders, who always had in view the benefit of those in need. We are delighted to share their vision and carry on their spirit in all we do.
On behalf of the School, staff and students, I invite you to explore our website and learn more about Holy Cross Convent Special School & Career Training Centre. I expect that as you browse you will soon appreciate what an extraordinary living and learning environment the school has created for students with learning differences. You will see how happy and engaged our students are in their academics, social experiences, and co-curricular activities. You will also discover that the school has been taking pro-active steps to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge imparted.
If you are parent / relative of a prospective student seeking admission, then I encourage you to first check out the Special School & Career Training sections to gain an understanding of the many interrelated components of our program. Take time to read our Vision and Motto to learn about the goals and philosophy that guide our decisions and define who we are as a community.
Students who enroll at Holy Cross Convent Special School and Career Training Centre are friendly, caring and eager to experience fulfillment in all aspects of their lives. We work towards achieving common objectives through enduring partnerships that develop between their dedicated and involved families and a faculty and staff committed to the success of each and every student. Nowhere will you find a more encouraging and knowledgeable group of professionals.
Thank You,
Sister Ancy Anthony,